Here is what we did for the year 2013, Contact us for more
Local crew to hire in China?
Sep 13 2013 Dior IFC
Malherbe Design
B Roll, Interview
Sept. 2013, ShanghaiRun and gun team in Shanghai
Malherbe design one more time for Dior at IFC
The final video done by the client can be seen below
Sep 11 2013 Coca Cola
Video Testimony
Sept 2013, ShanghaiTeam testimony on video!
Few testimonials video, DSLR shooting and a lot of fun at Accenture office.Sep 09 2013 Cartier
Immediate print Photo Studio
Sept. 2013, ShanghaiHire our Immediate print Photo Studio
Shanghai HuaHai Cartier Store got its own photo studio with a new printing setup, Wireless Polaroid style!Sep 06 2013 H Stern
Twist of parti pris
Luxury Instant Photo Studio
Sept. 2013, ShanghaiLuxury Instant print photographer in Shanghai
Another successful Photo Booth with instant print for HStern
3,2,1 Smile and immediate print the following seconds!Aug 10 2013 Cartier
Instant Photo Studio
Aug. 2013, HangzhouInstant Photo studio service, Hangzhou
Hangzhou Cartier Store got its own photo studio with a new printing setup; Wireless Polaroid style!
It’s faster, it’s better quality, It can distribute many similar pictures to a group or couple of friends.
Make no mistake! our…