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  • How to shoot S-LOG with Sony PXW-FS7?

    How to shoot S-Log in with the Sony FS7? (and why you should)

    Shooting S-log is a bit like recording in 4K but watching it on your phone, compressed by Youtube.
    You are recording more information and will decide later if you want to use it or not. Shooting large resolution as 4K let you have more room for re-framing or stabilizing your footage. With S-Log, it’s a bit the same; You record more of the highlight and shadows and see is you may want to change the exposure later. It works a bit the same than shooting raw. The main difference is that raw takes a lot of space in your memory card, where S log tried to keep all acceptable. There are less latitude than in raw, but way less space also, and it can be done without any external recorder.

    Why this name?

    S-log stand for Sony Log, You have also C-Log for canon, D-Log for DJI camera and so on. The principle is the same even if I will be talking here only about using it on a Sony FS7 camera. LOG stand for logarithmic as the shape of the mathematical calculation the camera need to do, have this S logarithmic shape .

    How does it work?

    Screens on you TV or your computer actually did not follow the fast development your camera sensor; you can record more information than your TV can display. This may change with HDR TV and preview screen, but for now; let keep it with regular TV/computer screen audience. Again, a bit like watching a Full HD video on a lower resolution screen, the picture look great, but you can’t tell the difference cause your screen is not able to display all of it.