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  • Compare Sony FX9 versus FS7mk2 vs C300 mk3 and C500mk2.

    Comparing Sony FX9 vs FS7mk2 vs C300 mk3 vs C500mk2.

    We are all wondering what would be the next camera to buy. It’s time to compare Sony FX9 versus FS7mk2 vs C300 mk3 and C500mk2.
    I wrote this blog entry following a post on social media looking like this: What do you think of the FX9 now that the C300 M3 has been announced? Don’t get into technical…just the elevator pitch.

    So here is my answer comparing the new Sony FX9 and FS7 vs Canon C300 mk3 and C500mk2. Please note that I’m writing this at the end of April 2019 and I did not had access to a C300 mk3 to put it in front of the contender. It’s a bit longer than an elevator pitch but the idea is to get real use and work assignment done more than focus on pixel peeping.which camera to choose Sony FX9 vs FS7mk2 vs C300 mk3 Continue reading