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  • Tele-converter Sony 1.4x with SEL E 18-110 Cine Zoom Lens : Fail

    Tele-converter Sony 1.4x with SEL E 18-110 lens

    Sometimes, being the first to try something can be a bit frustrating, especially, when it’s simply not working at the end.

    I have been trying to find a way to get more range with a single zoom lens and keep my bag light at the same time. A simple teleconverter was one possible option and I was looking for one compatible with the FS7 and my lens.
    A 1.4x or 2x factor seems a good option and will help when I need a bit more of reach without carrying another lens. My Sony Cine 18-110 becoming a 35 mm equivalent of a 24-150; not bad if it’s working. But…
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